Vinessa Mundorff, CMIT Staff Liaison • 936-294-3073 •

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NJLCA Resources

Administrative Segregation

Review of the FBOP’s Use of Restrictive Housing for Inmates with Mental Illness
Restrictive Housing in the US. Issues, Challenges, and Future Directions, U. S. DOJ, National Institute of Justice
Final Report: U. S. DOJ Report and Recommendations Concerning the Use of Restrictive Housing


Budget Guide for Jail Administrators: Developing the Budget
Budget Guide for Jail Administrators: Managing the Budget
69 Ways to Save Millions
Budget Guide for Jail Administrators, Beyond Budget Allocation – Sources of Funding and Services

Community & Collaboration

Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils
CJCC Essential Elements A Companion to the National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils
Zero Returns to Homelessness: A Collaborative Vision for Corrections, Housing Leaders, and their Partners
Zero Returns to Homelessness: Resource and Technical Assistance Guide

Core Competencies for Jail Leaders

#1 – Critical Thinking
#2 – Organizational Accountability
#3 – External Environment
#4 – Mentoring and Coaching
#5 – Communicate Effectively
#6 – Fiscal Management
#7 Organizational Culture
#8 – Mission, Vision
#9 – Strategic Planning
#10 - Professional Development and Self-Awareness
#11 - Organizational Roles and Responsibilities
#12 – Jail’s Role in the Criminal Justice System
#13 – Decision Making
#14 – Managing Change
#15 – Managing Labor Relations
#16 – Power and Influence
#17 – Time Management
#18 – Human Resources
#19 - Inmate and Facility Management
#20 – Physical Plant
#21 – Risk Management and Reduction of Liability
#22 – Emerging Technology
Core Competencies Project Overview

Data Analysis in Jails

How to Collect and Analyze Data: A Manual for Sheriffs and Jail Administrators
Jail Information Systems
Evaluating Training: Are You Using the Wrong Approach or Statistic?
Jail-Specifc Data Analysis: Considerations for Jail Analysts
A Technical Guide to Jail Data Analysis
Jail Inmates in 2022
People in Jail and Prison in 2020
Justice Counts
Data-Informed Jails: Challenges and Opportunities

Employee Wellness

Correctional Officer Wellness and Safety Literature Review
Promising Strategies for Strengthening Police Department Wellness Programs 2021
Customized Offerings for Mitigating and Prevention Agency-Specific Stress (COMPASS) Toolkit

Female Inmates

Gender Responsive Discipline and Sanctions Policy Guide
Gender Response Strategies for Jails
The Mental Health Crisis Facing Women in Prison
Women’s Pathways to Jail: Examining Mental Health, Trauma, and Substance Abuse
Women’s Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2024
Model Practices for Parents in Prisons and Jails: Reducing Barriers to Family Connections
Hidden Consequences: The Impact of Incarceration on Dependent Children
Female Re-entry and Gender Responsive Programming
Adopting a Gender-Responsive Approach for Women in the Justice System: A Resource Guide

Internal Jail Culture

Achieving Performance Excellence
Applying the APEX Tools for Organizational Assessment
Building the Model and Beginning the Journey
Change Management and APEX Domains
Culture Change Management Using APEX to Facilitate Organizational Change
Understanding Corrections thru the APEX Lens

Jail Leader’s Resources

A Second Look at Alleviating Jail Crowding: A Systems Perspective
Resource Guide for Jail Administrators
Jails Standards and Inspection Programs: Resources and Implementation Guide
Managing Risk in Jails
Focus Leadership: Resource Guide for Newly Appointed Wardens
A Guide to Preparing for and Responding to Jail Emergencies
Mending Justice: Sentinel Event Reviews
Sheriff’s Guide to Effective Jail Operations
Root Cause Analysis to Improve Jail Safety: Getting Past Blame
Transforming Police Recruit Training: 40 Guiding Principles
Strategic Communications for Law Enforcement Executives
Adapting Community-Oriented Policing Strategies and Procedural Justice for Jail Communities
Bureau of Justice Assistance – Programs That Support Jails
Jail Vulnerability Assessment: A Systems Approach to Improve Safety and Security (draft)

Jail Staffing

3rd Edition – Jail Staffing Analysis
Developing a PREA Compliant Staffing Plan
Part 1 Jail Staffing - Closing the Gap Between Supply and Demand Strategies and Tools August 2023
Part 2 Increase Staffing Efficiency by Improving Daily Operations JA Nov Dec 2023

Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Jails

Adults with Behavioral Health Needs Under Correctional Supervision
Reducing the Number of People with Mental Illnesses in Jail
Guidelines for the Successful Transition of People with Behavioral Health Disorders from Jail and Prison
Housing Vulnerable Populations Safe Under PREA
A Sentinel Events Approach to Jail Suicide and Self-Harm, Vera Institute of Justice 2019
Managing the Seriously Mentally Ill in Corrections
A Matter of Public Safety: How States Can Support Local Crisis Systems
Guidelines for Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jails: A Tool for Local Government Officials, Jail Administrators, Correctional Officers, and Health Care Professionals
Supporting Improved Responses to People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Opioid Use Disorder Screening and Treatment in Local Jails, 2019

Recruitment, Retention and Leadership Development

The Next Jail Epidemic: Staffing
The Future is Now: Recruiting, Retaining and Developing the 21st Century Jail Workforce
Jump Start Your Jail’s Leadership Development: Application of the Jail Leadership Core Competencies
Bibliography – Jails- Recruiting, Hiring and Retaining Employees
Building a High-Quality Correctional Workforce
Recruiting and Retaining Officers in Small & Rural Agencies
Jail Employee Recruitment and Retention Resource Center
Mentoring and Coaching American Jails, January/February 2017
Jail Mentoring Program – Mentor Handbook, Mentor Application, Mentee Handbook, Mentee Application, Program Administrative Procedures
Branding for Police Agencies
Recruitment and Retention for the Modern Law Enforcement Agency

Use of Force

National Consensus Policy on Use of Force